The Backlash Against Trans People.
A meta-narrative.
We’ve all seen it: tremendous backlash against trans people; but why? This goes above and beyond “rights", or “freedom". This issue burrows deep into the core concepts of progressive and reactionary lines of thinking.
When we reason in line with the progressive movement, we are encompassing ideals that involve overcoming our biology: our physical and mental limits. This is a direct affront to reactionary philosophy, which upholds the concept, “natural law", above all else.
As a progressive, one would, of course, be supportive of trans people; as this is a physical representation of the idealistic philosophy of progress - in toto. It is the transmutation of the individual into its own ideal. A trans person is someone who did not agree with their biology and birthed cultural identity, and took the steps necessary to overcome “nature" and become who they believe they were meant to be. A triumph of mind over matter.
As a reactionary, one would, of course, view trans identity as a cardinal sin; as this is a physical representation of the “corruption of natural order and divine law". It is a rebellion against biology, which is the hallmark of reactionary thought. A trans person then would be a person who is in direct conflict with the way God intended, and/or, nature ordained. An outright defiance of “birthright”.
Now, with this background laid out, we can begin to understand the true nature of this argument, and the core of the divide amongst contemporary pundits and thinkers: mind over matter vs biological determinism. This feeds into many other arguments, such as the concept of social welfare, where progressives value income and class mobility, and reactionaries believe everyone is put into their place, and many such arguments we’ll cover in more articles to come.
With that so being said, it’s very sad that many trans people just want to exist (live and let live), but simply because they exist, they have unwillingly become a totem for every division of political, social and cultural thinkers of all sides, because of their nature. They have strove against their biological and cultural identities, and made themselves in their own image, and although I may find that very laudable, there will always be those who see it as a Heresy.